It's the land of fast horses and beautiful women... or is it the other way around? People fight about whether they bleed red or blue, and the highest compliment you can pay someone is, "Wow, you have a handsome horse!" Kentucky is flooded with commercial farms, be it horse farms, tobacco farms, or farms that raise livestock. In fact, according to … [Read more...]
Congratulations, everyone. You’re getting a raise!
I was talking with a friend of mine today - a really smart friend - about the bumper corn crop in Kentucky this year. If you've paid attention, the bumper crop isn't confined to Kentucky. Across the corn belt there have been record yields in corn and other crops. I can't help but notice crop conditions on my long drives through the beautiful State … [Read more...]
Appraising Farms in Kentucky
By mistake, I used a half-caff pod in our new Keurig coffee pot yesterday afternoon. Hence this early morning post about appraising farms in Kentucky. When appraising a farm, the most important characteristic to consider is the potential yield. Calculating the potential yield for a variety of crops is a fairly simple process. Simply go the the Web … [Read more...]