Commercial Real Estate Trends in Kentucky
The goal of this blog is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of commercial real estate trends in Kentucky. I want to provide you with a view from 10,000 feet.
What factors create value for different property types? What makes one industrial building more valuable than another? How might one accurately quantify the effect of access to nearby interstates for a distribution center. How about a manufacturing plant? What effect does location near a hotel have on a restaurant?
Tools for Analysis
Conceptually, linear regression analysis enables one to determine the correlation between certain variables and value, including the degree of confidence one might place in the relationship. The higher the correlation coefficient, the higher the degree of confidence. How well, though, does commercial real estate lend itself to this type of analysis? After all, a number of factors are difficult to quantify.
These are questions I intend to answer in subsequent posts – so stick with me.
If you own commercial property in Kentucky, or anywhere else for that matter, feel free to ask me questions. I will do my best to give you accurate and honest answers.
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